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what we believe

as a christian church, seventh-day adventists are a faith community rooted in the beliefs described by the holy scriptures. adventists describe these beliefs in the following ways:

God wants you to know Him

scripture directs how we live

Jesus never changes

what God wants for you

God loves you

you are in God's family

download the 28 fundamental beliefs

Jesus is the one who never changes in a universe that always does. Jesus is Creator, Sustainer, Saviour, Friend, God's Son, and God Himself!


everything in this world is always changing, even our desires, interests, skills, and body shapes. but Jesus? He's consistent. He's always the same. sure, He's always surprising us and touching our lives in thousands of new and different ways, but His character is unchanging. he's God's Son, the Creator, our Saviour, and Friend.


Jesus has promised to be all of that, and more, for each of us. we can trust His promises because He is God. when the words of colossians say "in Him all things hold together" (1:17, niv) that includes everything in our lives. He keeps us whole when the enemy is trying to make us fall apart.


seventh-day adventists believe that Jesus is one of the three persons, called the trinity, who make up our one God. the bible describes Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit as each being committed to our growth as christians and to our salvation as Their children. They made this salvation possible when Jesus came to bethlehem as a human baby. He lived a life perfectly in accord with God's will and then died innocently for all of our sins. He was placed in a borrowed tomb, but He came back to life three days later. now He is in heaven interceding with the Father for us, preparing for our deliverance from sin and death.


when everything may be falling apart, when you feel totally alone in the universe, Jesus is right there in the center of it all, offering personal peace and hope. allow Him into your life. He immediately begins "remodeling" who you are and how you live. Jesus, in fact, is busily transforming His followers into accurate representatives of God's character.


look to Jesus, and you'll be looking into the understanding and loving face of God.



many members, one body

sabbath school 10 am • worship service 11:15 am

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20575 broadway • sonoma, california 95476 • 707.996.2008

© 2015 by the sonoma seventh-day adventist church

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