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worship & community

join us each saturday for our sabbath school bible study and worship services. sabbath school classes are available for adults and children of all ages.



10 am sabbath school
11:15 am worship service


potluck lunch following the worship service each sabbath



6:30-8 pm prayer meeting at the church. (english, everyone welcome)

saturday - 2nd & 4th


2-3:30 pm vespers at the church. (english, everyone welcome)

upcoming events

we have many exciting events coming up and we would love for you to join us.

vacation bible school – july 11 – 15



at cave quest vbs, kids and adults will be encouraged to look for God sightings--everyday clues that God is present, passionate, and powerful. your kids will discover they can catch sight of Jesus' love and light every single day in unexpected, powerful ways. why? because they finally have eyes to see...and, at last, they're looking.

many members, one body

sabbath school 10 am • worship service 11:15 am

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20575 broadway • sonoma, california 95476 • 707.996.2008

© 2015 by the sonoma seventh-day adventist church

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